"I'm personally really glad that 'N' is supported to learn and guided by your principles. Having spent a term at Little Forest, I would say they are embedded and certainly reflected within the children. The Family environment at Little Forest is such a valuable resource to him socially as are the principles you run by. We are very happy with them as they are and think they reflect your work brilliantly x" 

- Parent -


Little Forest is a rights respecting learning community for home educating children, ages 5 to 11+ years (Years 1 - 6 and upwards) in Horsham. We are for children who want to explore their curiosity and share decision making in a nature loving community.  

We are based in our small family home and garden studio and we believe that small is beautiful. Behind the garden we have our own allotment plot and communal wildlife garden and we are just 10 minutes walk to Chesworth Farm Nature Reserve.  

We are open on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 09:40 - 15:30 with the optional extra of an afternoon club to extend the day to 16:30.  

Our offering supports personal, social and ecological well-being using the three pillars of self direction, consent culture and ecological democracy. We tune in to nature and the seasons to help guide our learning, living and play. 

Why learn with us? 

We have developed a set of guiding principles which describe our culture and practice. If you and your child like the sound of these, then Little Forest could be a good fit.   

If this is the type of environment where your child will flourish, please contact us to discuss your child's needs, to arrange a visit or book some trial sessions.  

Contact Us

Do you and your child love the sound of learning in a nature loving community? We would love to talk to you! Please email jen@littleforest.education to start the conversation, to arrange a visit or organise a trial day


Our Workshop 

Our Allotment

Morning Meeting 

Small world role play

Making Animal Costumes

Freedom to Create

Journey Along the River Arun - Inholms Gyll

Journey Along the River Arun - Goldings Bridge 

Journey Along the River Arun - Amberley